Despo Varkados called the meeting to order at 9:00 AM, followed by the flag salute. Attending: Despo Varkados, Fran Person, Mina Milligan, Linda Bannon, Marty Erickson Treasurer’s Report: (Marty Erickson) Savings Account Revenue$10,051.45Checking$86.9812 Month Certificate$3124.27Scholarship Account$3032.03Net Worth to Date$16,294.73 Marty Erickson talked about the budget for next year. He changed the Mini-Grant entry to $7,000. Mina Milligan will send the budget out when she e-mails the minutes. It was discussed that WWSRA should pay for a luncheon guest. Marty Erickson will add a section in the budget to cover this. Minutes and Treasurer’s Report: May 20, 2021 Minutes, and the current Treasurer’s Report were approved as written. Membership: (Margaret Snitzler) Currently, SWWSRA has 504 members. Last month we had 499 members. Health: (Fran Person) In October, Fran Person will receive information from the Health Authority. She will relay this material at our next … [Read more...]
Pat Jollota, Outstanding Leader in Clark County
Patricia “Pat” Jollota has modeled admirable citizenship through her actions and service to the Clark County community, including effectiveness in leadership roles, raising community standards and expectations, strengthening community identity and civic pride, and exemplary giving of time, self and resources. Curator for the Clark County Historical Museum, Vancouver City council member for 20 years, Clark County’s First Citizen for 2012, Author of over 8 books, Historian and Community advocate are some of Jollota’s many contributions. Jollota also helped to establish, and regularly supports, the Children’s Justice Center and Justice for Children—organizations committed to protecting children who are victims of abuse and increasing local awareness of child abuse. She also supports the Humane Society for Southwest Washington and served as the Clark County Animal Control Board’s chair. Her personal and professional contributions to our community are labors of love that go above and … [Read more...]
SWWSRA-Unit 30 donates $1,000 to the “Locker”
The Locker is a room located at the Stevenson-Carlson District office where students who identify themselves as needing something that a guardian is unable to provide can find basic essentials, such as school supplies, backpacks, hygiene products, and even food. These items are free and students’ access is completely confidential. “We believe every student deserves a full belly, needed school supplies, warm clothes, and items needed for personal hygiene,” says Superintendent Karen Douglass. “Students’ basic needs must be fulfilled if you expect them to engage in rigorous learning.” Previously, the homeless liaison for the district would gather needed items for students whenever the need became apparent. Items were either ordered or donated. This process met the immediate need. However, there were many other student needs not brought to attention, and the district wanted to provide a place where students could have some say in the selection. … [Read more...]