Jeanie Anderson called the meeting to order at 11:40 AM, followed by the flag salute. Those in attendance were Amy Frusciante, Colleen Baron, Linda Bannon, Irma Slocum, Anette Erickson, Marty Erickson, Loretta Babbitt, Sherry Boose, Margaret Snitzler, Jane Madden, Mina Milligan, Maryann Sawyer, Colleen O’Neal, Larayne Anderson, Sue Ocks, Marcie Miller, Pat Bates, Gerry Garvis, Wanita Filbin, Renee Shannon, Donell Morley, Ron Beall, Doug Hamilton, Gary Anderson, Jeanie Anderson, Donna Quesnell
Jeanie Anderson welcomed four guests. Kathy Person filled in for Fran Person who could not attend due to sickness. Irma Slocum, long time member, was given a warm greeting.
Program: The Battle Ground High School Vocal Jazz Ensemble, ranging from freshmen to seniors, entertained us with twelve original and enchanting Christmas songs. There were seven girls and three boys. Their talent was amazing, along with their leader Darci Schmitt and pianist Brent Jeffries. The students introduced themselves, proving their allegiance to all school subjects. Ms. Schmitt dedicated “We’re Going Caroling” to Irma Slocum. Jeanie Anderson expressed how fortunate we are to have the Vocal Jazz Ensemble and their exquisite entertainment.
Thought of the day: Jane Madden read Christmas Inspirations.
Program: Paul Harris, 17th District Representative for 10 years, has spent a lot of time with citizens around the district. Businesses and families in Washington cannot survive any more taxation and unsustainable budgets coming out of Olympia. Mr. Harris is determined to make sure people have jobs, keep our tax rates low, show fiscal responsibility with the state budget, allow businesses to be productive without fighting excessive regulations and provide a quality education for our children. There were many questions that Mr. Harris addressed with insight and humor.
Friendship: Jane Madden sent cards to the families of Correne Barrus and Pamela Judd.
Mini Grants: This year there were 36 applications, thanks to our SWWSRA website and its user-friendliness. 11 mini grants were awarded. The grants went to the following: Evergreen Teachers Randy Bergstrom, Julie Doerschel, Benjamin Knuth, Jessica Standash. Camas teachers Kate Chase, Erik Edmundson, Rebecca Fountain, Raelyn Hovig, Lori Williams. Vancouver teachers Steve Lindblom, Anthony Shine. Wanita Filbin explained that a wider range of ages were covered this year. They included High School, Middle School, Specialist teachers, a music teacher and a principal.
Treasurer’s Report: by Marty Erickson
- Savings Account Revenues $8,846.98
- Checking $73.36
- 12 Month Certificate $3,072.56
- Scholarship Account $3,029.14
- Net worth to date $14,672.04
- Scholarship amount will be decided in January.
Membership: Margaret Snitzler reported that there are 501 members.
VSD Presentation: Jeanie Anderson will meet with Dr. Burke to visit Discovery and Flex Academy on January 15th. Then at 9:30 AM, they will meet at Elmer’s with the Retirement Seminar group. Jeanie Anderson read a thank you note from Flex Academy for SWWSRA’s Mini-grant.
Door prizes handed out.
Birthdays: Jane Madden handed out presents and led Happy Birthday to those born in November and December.
Dates to Remember:
December 24 Christmas Eve
December 25 Christmas
December 31 New Year’s Eve
January 1, 2020 New Year’s Day
January 15 Retirement Seminar meeting at Elmer’s, 9:30 AM with Dr. Burke
January 16 Board meeting at Cameo Café, 8:30 AM
January 20 Martin Luther King Day
January 23 Luncheon at Cascadia Tech, 11:30 AM
Adjourned at 1:55 PM.
Mina Milligan, SWWSRA Secretary