10:02 AM Linda Bannon opened the meeting and led the members in the
flag salute.
Attending: Mina Milligan, Linda Bannon, Jane Madden, Marty Erickson,
Annette Erickson, Fran Person, Despo Varkados, Donna Quesnell. Special
guests: Alan Burke, Ron Crawford.
TREASURES REPORT: (Marty Erickson)
Savings Account Revenues $7289.55
Checking $334.98
12 Month Certificate $3,119.62
Scholarship Account $3,030.92
Net worth to date $13,775.07
WWSRA Foundation in Don Rifenbery’s honor. Despo Varkados suggested that we present the $1000 grant to the Vancouver, Evergreen and Cascadia Technical Academy Skills Center in person, take a picture and submit it to the Columbian. Donna Quesnell volunteered to be in charge. Despo Varkados made a MOTION to donate $300 to WSSRA’s Foundation in honor of Gene Forrester. Seconded and passed. Gene Forrester, longtime WSSRA supporter, officer and activist, passed away December 18, 2020. He contributed greatly to the rise of WSSRA as a political force. His positive attitude, work ethic, and leadership will be missed.
MINUTES (Mina MilIgan)
December 3, 2020 Minutes were approved as written.
Dr. Alan Burke (Executive Director)
Dr. Burke greeted everyone with his positive and cheerful manner. He reported that the Annual Convention will most likely be moved from June to October 3-6. The February 16 th Retirement Seminar has room for 3,000 attendees and already has over 1,000 applications.
He stressed the following legislative points:
- Protect retiree medical benefits.
- Make the actuarially recommended pension payment.
- Re-open the PEBB enrollment window for retirees who opted out or were not able to join PEBB at the time of retirement.
- Reestablish a permanent Plan 1 COLA.
Ron Crawford (District Representative for SW 4)
Ron Crawford joined us via phone while he was on another Zoom call. That’s called marvelous multi-tasking!! He will be sending Despo Varkados all of SW 4’s Scholarship applications, but she will only be asked to score Unit 30’s. The Covid 19 vaccine was discussed. Linda Bannon said she will be getting hers tomorrow at QFC. Ron Crawford said you can sign up through www.safeway.com/covid-19.
MEMBERSHIP (Margaret Snitzler)
Linda Bannon reported from Margaret Snitzler that we now have 516 members with three pending.
HEALTH (Fran Person)
Fran Person reported that she has been enjoying participating in Silver and Fit on Comcast Television. The beginners to advanced programs change daily. The programs are on You-Tube, where you can sign up on their app. Depressed? Maybe you need more light. Fran Person, referring to the December SALT newsletter, said the number one hottest cyber scams that older adults need to avoid is Tech Support Scams. These types of scams can manifest themselves as “pop-ups” that appear on your computer screen and look like legitimate offers for computer service or help. In addition, criminals could get your telephone number and call to claim they are representing a reputable company such as Microsoft. If you get such a call, it is best to hang up and call the company yourself to verify the person on the telephone is legitimate. Be wary of security updates from pop-up ads or emails. They may actually be malware that could infect your computer. If you get a phone call you didn’t expect from someone who says there’s a problem with your computer, hang up. Never call a number in a pop-up that warns you of computer problems. Real security warnings will never ask you to call a phone number. Log out. Remember to log out of apps and websites when you are done using them. Leaving them open on your computer screen could make you vulnerable to security and privacy risks. If you spot a tech support scam, tell the FTC: www.ftc.gov/complaint. Visit www.ftc.gov/techsupportscams to get tips on what to do if you were scammed.
FRIENDSHIP (Jane Madden)
Today is Loretta Babbitt’s birthday and National Hug Day. Give a virtual hug to your friends. Margaret Snitzler saw James Brothers’ name in the paper. She will wait for clarification from the state if he is our member. A sympathy card will be sent upon clarification. Member Jeanette Chaffee’s husband died on January 17 of Parkinson’s disease. A card was send to the family on January 21. Birthday cards: December cards– Larayne Anderson -8, Waneta Filbin-14, January cards–Carol Ramsey-8, Loretta Babbitt-21 Jane Madden did not have Margaret Snitzler December 13 birthday. It was suggested to send her a Valentine Card, which will be done.
Program (Linda Bannon)
Linda Bannon asked about having a special program for our March meeting. Singers, Limericks, just visit? Donna Quesnell will contact the Frasers to see if they would be willing to entertain us. Despo Varkados said that all members need to be contacted. Michele Hunter will send Mina Milligan e-mails and addresses for those who don’t e-mail.
Mina Milligan reported that $350 will be granted to suitable requests from school employees until $8,000 is used up. In the last couple of days, there have been many requests.
LEGISLATION (Donna Quesnell)
See Alan Burke’s legislative points.
WEBSITE (Mina Milligan)
Mina Milligan reported that the site is all up to date. There is a flyer on the home page inviting school employees to get involved and become members. The retirement seminar flyer is up.
Please visit www.wssra-units.org/southwest-unit30
February 18, 2021 Next Board Meeting 10:00am
Adjourned at 11:10 AM
- January 25th , 2021 Coordinating Council Zoom Meeting
- February 2nd , 2021 Ground Hog Day
- February 12th, 2021 President Lincoln Birthday / Chinese New Year
- February 14th , 2021 Valentine’s Day
- February 15th , 2021 Presidents Day / National Flag Day of Canada / Family Day (Canada)
- February 16th , 2021 Mardi Gras
- February 17th . 2021 Ash Wednesday
- February 18th , 2021 SWWSRA Zoom Board Meeting (10 am)
- February 22nd , 2021 Washington’s Birthday / Mina Milligan, SWWSRA Secretary