Cameo Cafe
Loretta Babbitt called the meeting to order at 9:05 AM.
Attending: Mina Milligan, Linda Bannon, Marty and Annette Erickson, Donna Quesnell, Fran Person, Loretta Babbitt, Despo Varkados, Doug Hamilton
Next meeting: It was agreed upon to meet in person at Cameo Café for our general meeting and Memorial Service. The date is May 26, 2022 at 11:30 AM. Cameo’s does not accept checks. Loretta Babbitt will be in charge.
Treasurer’s Report: (Marty Erickson)
Net Worth to Date $21,079.42
Marty Erickson reported that he gave Clark college $342.00 to bring the Doris Troxel Scholarship up to $1,000. He also gave $1000 for Clark College Transfer Scholarship. He plans on giving Vancouver Foundation, Evergreen Foundation and Cascadia Technical Academy Skills Center $1000 each. Donna Quesnell volunteered to contact KATU, Channel 2 when these scholarships are presented to the three School Districts. Marty Erickson bought us all breakfasts for the first “in person” meeting after two years of Zoom. Thanks Marty!!
State Scholarship: Linda Bannon suggested increasing the State scholarship to $2,000 in memory of Don Rifenbery. Everyone agreed.
Minutes and Treasurer’s Report: Minutes (with corrections), and Treasurer’s Report were seconded and approved.
Coordinating Council: Linda Bannon and Mina Milligan attended the Coordinating council meeting on March 28, 10:00 AM at Rib Eye Restaurant, Exit 72.
Mini-Grants: The $300 for each Mini-grant will continue. Donna Quesnell will take over for Waneta Filbin starting next September 2022/2023.
Friendship: (Jane Madden) Reported Deaths for April, Joanne Bortniak (card to family returned), Don Rifenbery (card sent in March) April Birthday Mina Milligan
Membership: (Jane Madden) Total Members 499, Last Month 500, Last Year 509, one retirement pending, two active on leave.
Health: (Fran Person)S.A.L.T. Meetings return in May! 40 et 8 Boxcar Room West side meeting: Tuesday, May 17 11 a.m.-noon East side meeting: Monday, May 23 11 a.m.-noon Camas Community Center
Fran Person went over the different kinds of walkers. She feels that the light weight frame is best. Wheeled Walker: Designed for safety and convenience, this rolling walker features push-button mechanisms that may be operated by fingers, palms, or even the side of the hand
Quality Construction: Constructed from sturdy aluminum, this adult walker offers maximum strength while remaining lightweight Premium Features: Walker features 5″ wheels, a vinyl contoured hand grip, and newly designed rear glide caps that allow the wheeled walker to slide smoothly over most surfaces Safe & Easy Operation: Each side of this medical walker operates independently to allow easy movement through narrow spaces and offer greater stability while standing.
Virtual Walking was discussed. The goal of Virtual Walk is to provide virtual walking experiences, while maintaining motivation and fitness details that a walker needs. Each walk is recorded along with miles and time to be reviewed later. The support for Virtual Walk is ongoing, and new features and routes will be added frequently.
Virtual Walk App Review: Walk the Distance App Using a virtual walk app is a great way to motivate your fitness walking. It can be very compelling to try to reach the next point of interest by putting in another mile or two
Legislature: (Mina Milligan): *Legislators passed a Plan 1 COLA bill. Plan 1 retirees will receive an increase of 3%, up to $110 per month starting this July. Plan 2 and 3 retirees will receive a 3% increase as well, so all retirees who have been retired for more than a year will earn a pension increase this summer. *The actuarially recommended pension payment to the pension funds was funded in the budget. *The $183 monthly Medicare Eligible Healthcare Benefit was maintained. *HB 1699 allowing retirees additional return-to-work hours passed the legislature. Between now and 2025, retirees will be able to substitute in classified and certified positions for up to 1040 hours. The previous cap was 867 hours per year. Central administrative positions are excluded from the increase. *Our technical bill to equalize PEBB health insurance for retirees died in the House of Representatives. We are referring it to the legislature’s Select Committee on Pension Policy this interim. *Additional retirement and senior friendly bills passed. HB 1752 creates a ROTH savings option within the Deferred Compensation retirement program. Current school employees will be able to participate if they wish to. *The legislature is also moving to limit prescription drug prices. Legislation passed to cap insulin prices at $35 per month for folks with private (pre-Medicare) insurance. Another bill will require the state to examine large increases in prescription drug prices. Access to charity care for those with high-deductible insurance plans is also being expanded.
Party: Fran Person and Despo Varkados will be turning 90, so let’s have a celebration! Lacry needs to bealerted to discontinue the billing of their monthly dues. Bruce Boyer stated that any retired member who has continuously been active for 20 years needs to be registered with central office (Lacey).
President in Name: Donna Quesnell will take over Linda Bannon’s job as President in Name for SWWSRA. This job includes: *Receiving and disbursing information that Lacey sends her *Coordinating Council report *Awards Thanks Linda for a job well done!
Future Meeting: May 26, 2022 general meeting at Cameo Café at 11:30. Loretta Babbitt will chair. This will be a Memorial Service. Jane Madden will be asked to lead and Donna Quesnell will invite people from Lacey. “The comfort of having a friend may be taken away but not of having had one.” Seneca Please plan on attending to honor our friends.
Meeting adjourned at 10:45 PM
Mina Milligan, SWWSRA Secretary
- Sept 2022 Board meeting third Thursday of September (September 15) & General luncheon fourth Thursday in October (October 27) Despo Varkados
- November 2022 Board meeting Third Thursday of November (November 17) & General luncheon 2nd Thursday in December (December 8) Linda Bannon
- February 2023 Board meeting third Thursday (February 16) & March General luncheon fourth Thursday (March 23) Donna Quesnell
- April 2023 Board meeting Third Thursday (April 20) & May general luncheon fourth Thursday (May 25) Loretta Babbitt