Linda Bannon called the meeting to order at 9:03 AM.
Attending: Mina Milligan, Linda Bannon, Marty Erickson, Bruce Boyer (before meeting)
Bruce Boyer: Last month, Despo Varkadas had asked a question on how to recruit new members. Bruce Boyer and Barb Robinson delivered mini-grants to three different school board meetings. They arranged to be put on their agenda and felt their appearance was very effective. Communicating with the superintendents is beneficial. They hopefully will make contact with the teachers about the mini-grants and joining SWWSRA. Thanks Bruce!
Bruce Boyer said there will be a retirement Committee meeting at the end of the month.
Treasurer’s Report: (Marty Erickson)
Savings Account Revenue $11,860.35
Checking $276.98
12 Month Certificate $3,126.64
Scholarship Account $3032.31
Net Worth to Date $18,296.28
Marty Erickson will check with Clark College’s Scholarship Committee concerning their numbers. He was confused about the amount of money that SWWSRA contributed. He also thought it would be a good idea to pay for prospective members’ lunches. We could advertise this in the Columbian and put on our site.
Marty Erickson plans on paying Darcy Schmitt $200 for her production on Dec. 9th.
Friendship: (Jane Madden)
Cards sent to families of:
Marian Buslach
Sandra Jackson
Arnim Klug
David Paola
No November birthdays. Jane Madden suggested that callers ask for member’s birthday dates.
Holiday Celebration:
Date: December 9, 2021
Time: 11:30 AM
Special program: Darcy Schmitt, the choir director at Battle Ground High School, will present her singers and the savant-level piano abilities of Brent Jeffries. This is always a special treat for our members.
Meet in Person: Our next board meeting in February 17, 2022 will, hopefully, be in person, rather than ZOOM. Donna Quesnell will be in charge. The meeting will be at Cameo’s at 9:00 AM.
Meeting adjourned at 11:47 AM
Mina Milligan, SWWSRA Secretary
Dates to Remember:
November 18, 2021, 9:00 AM, Board 3Rd Thurs of November & December 9, 2021, 11:30 AM, General meeting 2nd Thursday in December
- Linda Bannon
February 17,2022 Board, 9:00 AM third Thursday in Feb. & March 24, 2022, 11:30 AM General meeting fourth Thursday in March
- Donna Quesnell
April 21,2022 board meeting, 9:00 AM Third Thursday in April & May 26, 2022, 11:30 AM general meeting fourth Thursday in May
- Loretta Babbitt